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The Reasons Landlords Should Conduct a Legionella Risk Assessment

 A legionella risk assessment is a legal requirement for landlords. The process will involve an inspection of the property, with a focus on areas of the property in which water is stored as well as the areas where airborne contaminants may develop. The report will provide details on the level of risk that residents living in the building have to face in addition to any suggested actions. Risk assessments will also provide information on the source of water and cooling system for cold water. It is vital that landlords understand how to reduce the risk from Legionella exposure, however this can be difficult in the event that you do not know what steps to take. legionella risk assessment for landlords doncaster In addition to education about legionella landlords should conduct risk assessments for legionella regularly. These assessments should be conducted using cold and hot water systems, as well heaters and water tanks. Landlords should know exactly what legionella is , and which systems present a risk. A legionella awareness training can be beneficial for landlords who have no previous knowledge of this disease. It is also important for landlords to consider providing instruction for residents and staff to make them aware of the dangers. Legionella bacteria are found in a wide range of the natural water supply, however, they can also be found in water systems that are made by humans. A legionella risk assessment will determine if legionella has been detected in a water source and the remedial steps that need to be taken to reduce the risk. Legionella risk assessments offer assurance for the occupants of the building that their health and safety are protected by the legislative requirements. They also guarantee that legionella is effectively controlled. Legionella risk assessments are a legal requirement, but it is not a cheap task. Most companies assign this job to an expert in the water hygiene field. As a water safety expert with more than 20 years of working experience Howlett Associates Water Treatment Ltd. is able to provide the services you require. If you're not sure whether to work with a water hygiene company, take a look. We've assembled an assortment of useful links which can help you determine the best method to start. The risk assessment of legionella could be carried out by a landlord an employer, landlord, or property manager. However, a professional legionella evaluation is advised for larger structures with complicated water systems. If you're not sure of your skills think about hiring someone to take care of the work for you. This way, you'll have confidence that the company you choose will be skilled enough to complete the task. It's also worth spending the time to conduct this risk analysis if you're looking for a secure investment. A legionella risk analysis will cost you about PS250 however, it can cost upwards of PS2,000, depending what the extent of the building and the amount of assets. In spite of the expense the legionella risk assessments are legal requirements that landlords must adhere to. It's a lawful requirement and failure to do so can result in significant penalties and even criminal charges. In 2015 the year of 2015, a PS3 million penalty was imposed against a company who failed to conduct a legionella risk assessment. Make sure your facility is secure and compliant by hiring an experienced and reliable individual to conduct any legionella risk assessments.

legionella risk assessment for landlords doncaster